February 12, 2025

Decoration TipsA

The joy of Business

Dumpster Rentals Make Major Clean-ups a Breeze

If you’re seeking a way to clean up a job site or you wish to take care of a garage clean-up at home, renting a dumpster is a natural part of the process. You can rent dumpsters in one or various sizes, each of which are designed to get rid of specific debris.

Make a Selection from the Available Dumpster Rentals

When making a selection of dumpster rentals then, you need to figure out what type of debris you’re removing and how you’ll organize the trash for pick-up. For example, some dumpsters are used for getting rid of heavy debris, such as stucco, masonry, or dry concrete. On the other hand, other dumpsters are used to haul away wood, furniture, and lighter types of trash.

Load the Dumpster Correctly

Once you choose your dumpster rental and know what you’re loading, you want to make sure you load the contents correctly. It does not matter if you’re loading drywall, concrete, or cardboard, they all should be broken down to the smallest size with the larger items placed at the bottom first. 

Completely Flatten Boxes

If you are removing boxes of cardboard, you should flatten the boxes in their entirety. Using a box cutter will help you pare down the boxes to a manageable size. Again, make sure they’re completely flat. If you don’t fold them down correctly, they’ll create pockets of unused space at the bottom of the bin.

Place the Bulky Stuff in the Dumpster First

If you’re working with bulky items, such as fixtures, furniture, or old equipment, place them at the bottom of the dumpster first. The bulky items need to be placed ahead of smaller items so the smaller items can fill in the gaps.

For instance, if you’re throwing away furniture, fill in empty spots with smaller items created by the legs of tables or desks.

Allocate the Weight Evenly

Make sure you allocate the weight of the items in the dumpster evenly. If you don’t do this, your dumpster can shift when you’re loading it or when it is removed, thus causing a hazardous situation. Therefore, take your time to assess how you’re loading your dumpster as you go along.

Don’t Make the Load Higher Than the Fill LIne

Make sure you keep everything just below the fill line. This is another safety precaution. Otherwise, loose items in the bin may fly out during transport. According to recycling today, fatalities among waste collection workers ranks fifth among occupational deaths in the U.S.

While a dumpster makes clean-ups a breeze, you still have to load it correctly. Keep the above tips in mind to keep debris and trash removal a safer activity.